Starting your world since 2007 (and since 2008 with Virtual World Starter).
With Virtual World Starter, you will no longer be limited to only a few different viewers, settings, grids, or avatars, based on the room you have to store one shortcut per option/viewer/avatar and grid.
For a simple three avatars, one main, one testing, one play, on two grids, Second Life and SL beta, with two settings, Windlight on/off, with two viewers, main and RC, that requires twenty four different shortcuts, just for this simple set up. With Virtual World Starter all that is taken care of with one shortcut (well two, if you want to be exact, there is an option to run it in a mini version as well, that takes up a lot less of the screen, should you desire).
On top of uncluttering your desktop, it gives you the ability to have a variety of configurations of the viewers at your fingertips, and can launch multiple viewers at the same time.
If all you have is one avatar, one viewer, no custom settings, and never venture into a beta grid, local OpenSim or other grids, you would be one of the few who may not need Virtual World Starter.
If however, like a lot of people, you have more than one avatar, viewer, or system setup, or like to test other grids, you will find this program very useful.
Requirements: Windows 2000/XP & .Net 2, or Windows Vista/7
Buy a license for L$1495 in world at A2NZ (Ufeus 21,85,34). The product box will be delivered to you, which will give you your product key and a link to download the software (with the details filled in).
How to use it:
Run Virtual World Starter (either the main or mini version, whichever you prefer), choose the grid, viewer and your avatar, and off you go.
Note 1: If there is a required update or anything that needs to be manually agreed to (eg First log in, Change of TOS, etc) for the Second Life virtual world, which you have not already installed/agreed to, a screen may pop up with "Login failed: Required version ...", or it may just exit (it depends on what has been done with that particular viewer).
If it exits without warning try starting the viewer again with the "Start Only" button. This will bring up the main login screen, with the user that you just tried to log in with. Now just enter the password to log in, and accept (or not) the changes. Unfortunately viewers do not always exit gracefully, or give a reasonable (or any) reason for exiting.
Abyssin Otoro
If you have any questions, please contact me in-world.